
Trump seems to once again be refusing to say whether he will accept a loss. Will it result in similar consequences?

By Jan 6th I mean an act of violence where Trump could have spoken against it but chose not to or where the motivation for the violence was based on misinformation that Trump spread. In the case it's ambiguous, I'll decide. If Trump is elected this will resolve N/A.

Edited Jul 27th to clarify if Trump loses.

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No. January 6th was a ploy to make his false electors plot work. He was depending on Mike Pence to pick his false slate of electors. Without a loyal VP in office a similar event wouldnโ€™t work. Plus, the only reason it got so bad was because he refused to act. Biden, or the fella with his hand up Bidenโ€™s ass, wouldnโ€™t let anything like that happen.

Fwiw, I interpret โ€œanother Jan 6thโ€ to mean storming the capital, not just an act of violence

I appreciate your feedback, I do regret not thinking for longer about what I wanted the resolution criteria to be, I don't like your definition since I think it should also include storming other buildings (for example, the white house), or even riots outside of washington dc. I do however agree that "an act of violence" was more vague than I meant it to be. I'm thinking I'd rather try to see whether any newspapers refer to it as a second January 6th or run a poll rather than having to decide by myself. Also not sure if I want to change the resolution criteria now though.


Should resolve N/A or be updated to Kamala

@bluerat please update the question

I figure there's no reason to resolve N/A since it's more about Trump's reaction to losing than who beats him, let me know if anyone thinks it should be.

I think theyโ€™re planing a Bush v Gore scenario as well

True, Trump's role was more active than just "could have spoken out against it but didn't".

I made a question for this @SusanneinFrance

Title seems inconsistent with the description

Any suggestion on what to change to make it more consistent?

Title says โ€œif Biden is electedโ€ but description says โ€œif Biden is elected this resolves N/Aโ€

One of those needs to change to โ€œnot electedโ€, probably the description?

oh whoops, yeah that was an accident, I meant if Trump is elected it will resolve N/A, fixed now

A 57% chance of erasing a day from the calendar if Trump loses did seem a little high when I saw the title