Will I continue to routinely make long term bets after Manifold gets rid of loans?
May 16

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Would it still count if u bet on long twrn questions, but only with 1-2 mana each time? Just a way to record, in a few years, if u were directionally right, but without wasting ~0ev mana

bought Ṁ10 NO

Unless you are regularly buying mana, I don't see how you could. But more specific criteria would be great.

@ProjectVictory well they said they would replace loans with some other way to incentivize long term bets.

bought Ṁ20 YES

@benjaminIkuta yeah, I just can't see that they would throw away all the long-term markets

@JoshuaWilkes So far it seems like they do, spice/prize points are awarded only if you hold until the market resolves, otherwise you only get mana back... with no loans, and extra fees when buying.

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