In 2025 = 1%
In 2026 = 2%
In 2027 = 3%
@nsokolsky it's very easy to make a calculator/run monte carlo sims on historical interest rates, historical stock returns, real estate prices, and rental prices. The only argument for investing in real estate is the leverage which reduces as you pay off a mortgage. Otherwise, the transaction costs/taxes and lower return on real estate make putting your down payment and any money saved after rent into an ETF better in the long run.
The fact that homeowners are wealthier has more to do with the fact that a mortgage forces people to buy-and-hold, than because homes are such a good investment. Most people who don't own homes simply don't save. If homeowners saved as much in ETFs most would probably be wealthier.
@benjaminIkuta I mean, to be fair I haven't done a rigorous check of all the data, I'm kinda going off vibes and "common knowledge", but the gist I get is that buying is so ridiculously expensive due to housing market inflation in recent decades that people whose families didn't already own a house decades ago basically can't afford the deposit to start a mortgage to eventually own one, so are stuck in a rent poverty trap
@TheAllMemeingEye I think this is confusing "it was cheaper to buy in the past than to buy now" with "it's cheaper to buy now than rent now".
@ShakedKoplewitz I guess what I meant is today getting deposit and mortgage to eventually own > renting > owned home bills and maintainance costs, and it's just occurred to me I'm unsure whether this graph is about the first or third one lol
@TheAllMemeingEye unless I'm misunderstanding, isn't this just saying that now the capital/land values are a larger component of housing cost than maintenance and taxes? Which I wouldn't think would be surprising
@ShakedKoplewitz do you know what the homeownership premium in the graph represents? I admit that's the main confusing factor for me