Will Richard Scolyer's brain cancer return by the end of 2024?

From Wikipedia:

Scolyer was diagnosed with an incurable brain cancer, glioblastoma IDH wild-type, in June 2023. He underwent combination immunotherapy before surgical excision, a sequence Dr Scoyer and his colleagues have applied successfully for melanoma, but is nonstandard for brain cancer due to concerns about toxicity, whether drugs will reach the brain, and speed of tumour development. As of eight months after surgery, Dr Scoyer's cancer has not returned, a promising result with potentially broader implications, though oncologists warn that it is too early to judge effectiveness versus standard protocols.

BBC in Feb 2024:

"The average time for a glioblastoma cancer to return is six months post-surgery. But eight months on, after continued immunotherapy, Prof Scolyer is showing no signs of active cancer."


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