Will the manifold app or website have an announcements/updates page or notifications for changes to the website? (2023)
resolved Dec 31

Resolves yes if happens before 2023 ends (Pacific Time)

Example of things that count:

  • Notification about updates

  • An announcement page

  • Display banned

  • Changelog whenever you open the app

The question resolves more in spirit of whether information on the latest major changes to the site are displayed on the site or not, than about the exact format the information is displayed in.

No announcements page and lots of fast iterative development leads to major changes that leave most users confused. Merely knowing that something changed would go a long way towards easing transition between changes.

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bought Ṁ200 of NO

I think this is really needed, but most of the Manifold staff are off for the rest of the year

sold Ṁ90 of NO

I just saw a banner for manifest on top of my screen

predicted YES

Does that count?

@Joshua not sure if it is a one time thing

I still think this is quite important as manifold keeps growing. I love that the devs are willing to try new features and iterating but users shouldn't have to go to the site's discord to find out.