Resolves YES if I find strong evidence of Russell Crowe crowing, and the crowing was done in 2023. Resolves NO otherwise.

Any of the three definitions of the verb "crow" mentioned in the link above will suffice. I.e., this market resolves YES if Russell Crowe makes a "loud shrill sound characteristic of a cock," makes "a sound expressive of pleasure," or blatantly brags/gloats, and I find out about it.

Resolves YES if he crows in character for a film. Resolves YES even if the crowing was done before market creation.

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seeing this in my feed threw me off @chrisjbillington 😅🐦‍⬛

@shankypanky yeah thought I found something and was writing up a comment before noticing the YouTube video said "originally recorded: 2015" or some such.

@chrisjbillington Thankfully @acc didn't bet against you