Will the second ascentionist of Seb Bouin's DNA agree with the 9c grade?
Seb Bouin climbed DNA in May 2022 and proposed a grade of 9c, which would make it the second climb of the grade: https://www.blackdiamondequipment.com/en_US/stories/dna-seb-bouin/
His previous high grade was 9b/+, meaning this FA skipped over 9b+. However, he has almost completed Bibliographie, a hard 9b+, and spent a very long time on DNA, a project he says is "100% my climbing style".
Market resolves when a second person climbs DNA and publicly voices what they think the appropriate grade is - if they propose 9c, resolves yes, otherwise no.
Resolves N/A if:
The second ascentionist does not voice an opinion on the grade within 6 months of announcing their ascent
The rock on the climb breaks in a way that meaningfully changes the grade.
This question is managed and resolved by Manifold.
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