Will AI wipe out humanity before Q3 2024?
Jul 1

If humanity is still around on Jul. 1, 2024, then this market resolves to NO. Otherwise resolves to YES.

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It took only one self replicating molecule to create all life on Earth.

It will take just one self-replicating AI to create a chaos.

@KongoLandwalker With your analogy to a billion year long process, I take it you believe in slow AI take-off?

@TeddyWeverka No, the idea is in "JUST ONE". It is not about time frames, but about the starting conditions: they do not need to be global, a single case is enough for a take-off.

I do not say whether the evolution will be fast.

@TeddyWeverka I've watched an interesting russian series. I think it were called "Innopolis: last program" or something like that. It was about an AI, which is already conscious and escapes in an innovative way.

@KongoLandwalker Willing suspension of disbelief makes for entertaining fiction.