Will Apple’s next iPhone (2024) include an on-device LLM “ChatBot”?
Dec 31

I've seen rumors that Apple might be working on local on-device LLMs for iPhones. I wonder if this is true. The market will resolve "yes" if Apple's new device features an on-device conversational LLM. It would suffice if the LLM is a combination of on-device and cloud-based processing.

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predicts YES

How come people believe the iPhone has a higher chance than Macbooks?

Not if you are European apparently 😅

i don’t have mana but i think this should be close to ~100% after apple’s event last week

It would suffice if the LLM is a combination of on-device and cloud-based processing.

bought Ṁ500 YES

@Soli the uncertainty, at least for me, was in your interpretation (e.g., if the interaction is not sufficiently "conversational").

Does the latest version of Siri powered by Apple intelligence count?

haven't had a chance to test it yet

@Pykess Idk how to embed a market like @firstuserhere did

@Pykess click the "+" button -> click on "Add embed"; paste the link there



predicts YES

@firstuserhere thank you for sharing

is siri powered by an llm a chatbot?

predicts YES

@horace what do you think? For me, it is an obvious yes

@Soli yep, same, even if only X amount of siri outputs are llm-powered

predicts YES

@horace agree

@horace I don't think so, LLMs are a recent development in AI and Siri's responses are based on a neural network like Alexa and Google Assistant. If you look at all the leaks and rumours of the iPhone 16, they talk about Apple developing an LLM for an improved Siri and that suggests that they are not using an LLM for the current version of Siri. When Siri answers, it doesn't respond differently each time like a LLM, it chooses between different semi-predefined answers and uses one of them.

@AxelRthingCano i think you misunderstood @horace‘s question - @horace was not implying that Siri is already using LLMs

@Soli You are right, thank you!

predicts YES

How come people believe the iPhone has a higher chance than Macbooks?

Does this resolve YES even if the LLM is not a chatbot?

predicts YES

@toms the title clearly says ChatBot so no it has to be a ChatBot

Isn't Google doing something like this? I could see them trying.

predicts YES

@Marnix thank you for the inspiration