Will any major social platform integrate OpenAI’s metadata to visibly indicate AI-generated images in 2024?
Dec 31
  • Major Social Platform: The platform must have at least 50 million active monthly users at the time of integration (e.g. Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, Threads, TikTok, ...)

  • Integration: The platform must implement a feature that utilizes OpenAI’s metadata to show a clear and distinguishable indicator on or near AI-generated images.

  • Visibility: The indicator must be immediately visible or become visible with a single user action, such as hovering or clicking on the image.

  • Confirmation: Integration will be considered confirmed when the social platform issues an official press release or when the feature is live and observable by users.

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Our Approach to Labeling AI-Generated Content and Manipulated Media (2024-04-05). "We plan to start labeling AI-generated content in May 2024".

@SanghyeonSeo do they somewhere mention that they will support the standard proposed by OpenAI?

@Soli No, but see my previous comment where they say they will.

does Manifold banner images have C2PA, and if so, when was the first banner image with C2PA made?
