Should LSD & MDMA be legalized?
resolved May 5
🧑‍🚀 - Yes
🤔 - Maybe
🚫 - No

If your answer is yes, then what age do you think is appropiate for someone to take psychedalics for the first time?

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I think they should be legal to possess and consume, but I don’t support the creation of commercial markets for them and don’t think psychedelics should be sold at corner stores.

Re: age of use — highly individual-dependent.

I think many teens could find meaningful benefits, and I’d love for our culture to create more ritualized contexts for their intentional use.

LSD - yes, at 21 years old

MDMA - yes, at 21 years old and with strict limits on how much you can buy at one time

both should be legally required to provide information on responsible dosage and the effects/risks at different dosages

@mattyb 😂 - even hardcore drugs that are proven to be physically addictive?

@Soli are we talking ideal end state, or are we talking realistically and practically. i have different answers for both, but i’m generally quite in favor of personal freedoms (assuming they don’t hurt others).

if you were able to buy coke like you can buy weed in some states today, we’d have a lot fewer fentanyl overdoses, more tax dollars, and it would hurt gangs.

@Soli physically addictive? Like nicotine, caffeine or alcohol?