Will Adept be able to prove in court that XQC sent Destiny confidential documents?
resolved Jul 26


In the recently leaked XQC & Adept divorce documents Violation 6. reports:

On or about January 11, 2023, Respondent [XQC] provided documents and information to a third party named "Destiny and requested Destiny discuss the pending litigation publicly on Respondent's behalf.

Destiny has been at the center of this drama and has been providing commentary. This includes him speculating that Adept is trying to angle herself as being married under common law and should therefore be able to file for divorce and claim some of XQC's assets.


Here is a clip of Destiny reacting to Violation 6. of the leaked documents.


In it he refutes receiving anything that wasn't already public information and claims XQC never directly asked him to discuss anything although acknowledges they did chat for a bit.


This market resolves yes if any part of the violation is proven to be true in court.

NOTE: This will resolve YES if it is proven XQC sent confidential documents even if there is no proof of him directly asking Destiny to discuss them. Or it may also resolve YES if it is proven XQC directly asked Destiny to talk about the case on his behalf as he was barred from doing so even without providing confidential documents. So there are scenarios where the violation doesn't hold up in court and this still resolves yes.

This market will resolve approximately one week after the court case closes (and if it isn't clear when this is I will provide an update on the resolution date).

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predicted NO

the case was sealed so N/A'ing this

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NAHH. She's need to subpoena his logs and I just can't see it happening