Who will I make a mod for one piece stocks content?
Apr 1

We are looking to make someone a mod with the intent that their main job is to help with moving markets into the appropriate topic and making sure there aren't any spoilers (unless in the spoiler group).

I've looked through the top creators and traders in one piece stonks and there aren't any stand-out candidates. Hoping to mod 1 or 2. May extend close for 1-2 weeks, but after that point will resolve all the answers to NO if I don't make them a mod. If there are truly no good options/we decide we don't need a one piece mod I'll just resolve all of them NO.

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thats my boy @OnePieceExplained :)

bought Ṁ30 @OnePieceExplained YES

Ain't no way I'm working for free, I would go on a strike every week (yes I'm French honhonhon) . And I'm a too recent user to be given a moderation responsibility.

@FYNOP I appreciate the support in throwing my name up but fwiw I am already jannie tagged + paid to do stuff. I don't know enough about onepiece to keep dashboards updated or filter spoilers