Options resolve as 'YES' if any of their completed 2024 data points surpasses their 2023 peak.
Note: Any option that has already surpassed its 2023 peak in 2024 before being proposed will be N/A'd.
Related questions
@mods Can you please N/A the keyword 'Kamala Harris'?
Context: It was added today and has surpassed it's 2023 peak already before being added, which is against the market rules
@Simon74fe If an option has an associated Google Trends topic, are you resolving based off treating the exact term with the same capitalization as a "search term" or using the topic, if the words are the same but capitalization differs? It makes a difference.
@Simon74fe Elon Musk and Robert F. Kennedy seem to both resolve YES. :)
1) Reinforcement learning (Feb 25-Mar 2), 2) trying with this again: diversity, equity, and inclusion (Feb 4-10), 3) Fusion power (Apr 21-27), 4) Llama (Apr 21-27), 5) Climate change (Apr 21-27)
We'll see how many are just plain different this time @Simon74fe ๐คทโโ๏ธ
@Simon74fe I honestly have no idea. Seems out of proportion enough to be a bug rather than actual events?
April seems noted for warmest April ever, but that happens all the time doesn't it?
@HenriThunberg Just checked DEI again, finally I could resolve it YES
1) Nvidia, 2) Path of Totality, 3) Leap year, 4) Biological weapons, 5) Effective Accelerationism, can all resolve to YES I think :))
@HenriThunberg Thanks!! Resolved the first three, but I can't yet see the peak for biological weapons and effective accelerationism on my side
@Simon74fe Hmmkay, I thought I had the exact same settings as you?
Biological weapons:
Effective Accelerationism
1) Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion , 2) Taylor Swift, and 3) Neuralink can all resolve to YES I think.
@HenriThunberg Thanks! On my side "Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion" only reached the same peak as in 2023, didn't surpass it yet.
I resolved the other two.
@Simon74fe thank you!
Hmm, are we seeing the same thing? To me, the peak looks clearly caused by Jan 5th 2024 mainly. If you need the full week view to be exclusively in 2024 (as is not the case for Dec 31 2023 -Jan 6 2024), then I think that should be clarified somewhere :)
@Simon74fe Cool, the difference was "search term" vs "topic". Good to know!
@jBosc Earl Grey was N/A'd because this would have been betting on the past. Earl Grey tea was added on February 7th; however it had already surpassed its 2023 peak in January 2024