New user feedback (July signups)
Ṁ555 / 2500
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I'm looking for feedback from new users of Manifold. What are the biggest problems you've had using Manifold? What has been the most fun? Have you tried sharing it with your friends?

Any user who joined Manifold this month (July 2023) is eligible for this bounty. I'll pay up to M500 for your feedback, depending on how insightful I find it.

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It's not clear the best way to compete with friends - I think they can join the same public lueages as me, but it would be nice to have some kind of private leaderboard that you can share with friends to see how you're all doing compared to one another - at the moment we just send each other screenshots of our profiles.

The mobile website interface - on less wide screens some things are very cramped or are off the screen entirely - the bottom nav for example has the more button cut off unless I turn the screen sideways. Also the slider when placing a bet is very hard to be precise on because it's cramped into such a small space.


1) Upon signing up on desktop, I immediately got a notification telling me I was added to the bronze league and to "Tap here to check it out". Of course, I can't tap on desktop.

2) Signup on desktop firefox using the "sign up to bet" option didn't work. Also it wasn't clear to me that if I signed up using that button if it would also immediately place the bet I specified in the menu.

2) The UI while logged out on Android Firefox: In questions list, click tag, click question, go back a page. Tag is selected in the UI but the questions are not actually filtered; to filter by that tag I have to unselect and reselect the tag.

3) My expected flow after making a market is to immediately be redirected to that market. The current flow felt jarring.


I'm really enjoying manifold - been looking for a new prediction market ever since Hubdub closed down.

My biggest issue has been that I can't find enough topics that I am interested and expert enough at to engage in confidently. Having some kind of better discovery engine for topics would be good. Also the site should auto-creat some markets that recur e.g. who will win ...


I find it very hard to see the total amount of volume happening on a particular question, in fact I'm still not even sure it's possible outside of just estimating from the list of held positions? Would be nice to see something similar to Twitch betting where it just shows the amount held on both sides.

It took a long time for me to find the "order book" button.

It would be nice to see "Closes at: date" in the UI when looking through questions to get an idea when the market will resolve.

I find it weird how a large portion of the questions plan to resolve in >1 year or even >3 years. It seems much more fun to make a prediction and win mana from the result of the outcome instead of a change in the probability or waiting forever, so I wish I could filter out all the questions on the site that are guaranteed to take >3 months to resolve. (seeing the closing date before clicking the question would also be ok)

I also find it kinda weird how many questions feel like "unknowable guessing". I wish there were more questions where domain knowledge actually helped you determine a real probability or questions that don't rely on the barely predictable actions of other humans/social trends.

The discussion of the questions are one of the most interesting parts to me so maybe there could be a standard way to reward users who comment on your questions, or maybe the site itself could provide the reward, similar to clicking boosted questions.

I think 90% of the site design and UI are very good, the website loads quick and is easy to use.



  • Initial impression, I found the experience to be quite cluttered. Took a little bit to understand where to find stuff.

  • I was referred by a friend and I used their referral link but I know they didn't receive any task mana for it.

  • There seem to be quite a few duplicate questions.

  • I think a tutorial would be beneficial as I still don't quite understand selling for example.

  • I wasn't able to change email notifications in the app (at least haven't found it)


  • Very interesting. There are some very creative questions.

  • I like the comments and discussions.

  • Generating images for questions is fun.

  • Adding images and links is easy.

  • GIFs as profile pics is super cool.

I have shared this with some friends and the fact it's not real money is definitely a huge plus.


I'd love to filter stock-type markets on my profile so I can keep track of changes. I also created a market for this, though it doesn't seem to have gained much traction 😂



There are quite a lot of features and concepts which feel secondary, and which can feel overwhelming as a new user. This also affects the UI, I still don’t feel like I have a good mental model of how I can reach certain screens since there seem to be so many of them. Streamlining concepts and UI to focus on the essentials would be good.

It also feels like the Donations aspect should be more important than it currently is, I haven’t actually figured out how to donate yet.


Hi, I've just started using Manifold, but I've already shared it with three friends. UX has been smooth. I do wish I could sort by the markets closing soonest. I want the sweet dopamine hit of quick rewards.


I’d love a filter for very evenly split markets, i.e. hovering at 50% (like Reddit’s ’controversial’ filter). I’m much less likely to get in at 5% or 95%. Same goes for markets with a resolution date far into the future.

The iOS app could use a little more design polish (happy to elaborate) but overall it’s great.


I would love an option to have higher stake bets where everyone betting must have significant skin in the game via minimum bet. maybe this exists already? I see a higher stakes filter but every one I checked let’s me bet the minimum. Also, I’m sure this was a conscious choice but I’m curious why date a question was posted isn’t shown. Thanks for creating, I’m looking forward to playing around with this more.


I just signed up, after finding someone mention it here

What is confusing to me right now is how the bet resolves. Because "Is the paper legit?" Is not a very precise question. Is there some time limit? How does it work? Who decides these things?

Oh one more big one that I’ve seen users express frustration about is the inability to sell on multiple choice buys. Maybe this is intentional but it does seem like a common enough query from my recent experience on the platform.

Rankings being based on mana earned instead of profits seems like a bad idea to me. Currently I am well on my way from 3rd to 2nd place in my group despite most of my mana being from boosts claimed. And people on the 1st and 2nd place have almost all of their mana from profits. I've seen several times a person with negative profits taking place in the top 10.

Similar things are happening in higher leagues.

To clarify: alternatives ways of earning mana good, counting them for the purpose of ranking bad.

This seems like a topic that must have been debated before, so there is likely a good reason for things being as they are. Still, that's my initial impression.

It says that you can donate 1 dollar for every 100mana but I can’t find the donation page