The spirit of this market is - someone did something that is worse than committing a financial crime. What could that be?
Examples of financial crimes: Fraud, embezzlement, money laundering, bribes, tax evasion, counterfeiting, insider trading, etc.
The severity of financial crimes can vary and you should use your own judgement when voting/placing your bets.
New Resolution Criteria (copied from Bayesian + Joshua):
This is simultaneously a market and a poll.
1 person = 1 vote (per answer), so having more shares does not make your vote count for more.
If you sell your shares, you are also removing your vote.
This market closes once per month.
If an answer has a clear majority of YES holders, that answer will resolve YES.
If an answer has a clear majority of NO holders, that answer will resolve NO.
If it's very close or votes are still coming in, the option will remain un-resolved.
Bots count
I may update these exact criteria to better match the spirit of the question or if Bayesian/Joshua update their criteria.
Old answers below will have standard polls. New answers (added after 6pm ET on June 21st) will adhere to the new guidelines above.
Also See:
@skibidist This is honestly on the level of sodomy. Sad how much degeneracy permeates our modern culture
@skibidist Funny how pedophilia is on the list twice, but because of political correctness the second mention is only at 18%
@ijk1 I thoroughly reject the accusation of being a "conservative", I am a monarchist!
Transing kids is necessarily pedophilic in nature because there is no such thing as a trans kid. If you reject the absurd claim that "trans women are women and trans men are men" as I do, what follows is essentially adults who are mutilating children. It doesn't have to be done with sexual intent to be pedophilia.
@stardust I will just let your word salad sit out there for your readers to appreciate. If you want to redefine words like "pedophilia" and "mutilate" to make your weird ideological fictions sound plausible, you're going to have to work harder than that.
@skibidist I am interpreting this to refer to what it usually refers to, which is:
When a child, of their own volition, makes it clear that their gender identity is not what is assigned
adults support their social transition and
support their transition medically with puberty blockers if the child wants it and it is medically appropriate.
@TheAllMemeingEye I'd argue that anyone who's even a tiny bit consequentialist should vote YES here given the number of accidents this would cause
@Mich It doesn't need to be simultaneous, let's say that it's timed to not have any knock-on effects
@TheAllMemeingEye It ends up being multiple financial crimes, so you have to ask yourself, “Is that worse than committing a financial crime?”
@Qoiuoiuoiu you have a point, but I think you also need to commit a financial crime to fund the resurrection project so it's double bad 😂