Check this other market where I give more information about myself and define what counts as a "romantic relationship": When will I have a romantic relationship?
The market will be resolved after the first month of starting a romantic relationship. If the relationship doesn't last that long, it doesn't count for resolution.
I won't force my next partner or partners to have their private information disclosed here, so responses that no one wants their info here will be resolved as N/A by mods.
Resolution Criteria:
In case of multiple partners when the relationship starts, a response will resolve as YES if at least one partner qualifies for YES.
"Open to" responses mean actual interest in doing that in the future in a serious sense, not in a "it's a fantasy I have but we will likely never do it" sense.
All responses will resolve to N/A by a moderator if I die or my account becomes inactive.
All responses will resolve to NO if I haven't had any romantic relationships by the end of 2049 (December).
I may add new responses.
OP Trading: Given the subjetive nature of this market’s resolution, I won't bet in this market.