Will a general purpose AI assistant with on-device language model be released for consumers in 2024?
resolved Feb 14

The market will resolve to YES if by the end of 2024 I can buy an off-the-shelf device with commercial general-purpose AI assistant, which is running on-device, i.e. can answer even when the device is offline. The assistant should be powered by an LLM (i.e. present-day Siri or Alexa don't qualify).

The device/app should be generally available. Releasing it just for alpha-testers does not qualify.

Disclaimer: I will not bet on the market.

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Resolving to YES, since Nvidia "Chat with RTX" fulfills all the conditions:

  • It runs on the off-the-shelf hardware that user owns

  • It is LLM-based

  • It doesn't require any special setup

  • It's released by a commercial company

  • It's somewhat useful

bought Ṁ25 of YES

It’s already possible to run LLMs on mobile devices, someone will for sure sell one soon, probably in China.

bought Ṁ100 of YES

What does "commercial general-purpose AI assistant" mean in this context?

@Amaryllis "Commercial" means that it's released by a commercial company either for a subscription fee, or with a view to monetize it in some other way, or to support the sales of the device on which it runs.

"General-purpose AI assistant": a dialog-based AI that can answer questions and possibly do something useful, like control your phone. Something like ChatGPT or Windows Copilot. Products like Siri, Alexa, Google Assistant would qualify if they a) ran offline, b) were LLM-based.

predicted YES

@OlegEterevsky Gemini Nano can run on a recent Pixel smartphones. Does it resolve the market?

@Amaryllis No. It has to be a commercial off-the-shelf product, not a tech demo.

@Amaryllis My bad. Looks like it is generally available. But from what I can tell it only does summarization, so it's not general-purpose.

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