Our current Gregorian and preceding Julian calendars, counting years from 1 CE have been in use for a bit longer than a thousand years. It is possible that in the future this calendar will be replaced due to political changes or space expansion. If this happens, what will be the starting date of the new calendar?
The market will be resolved in 4000 CE (by our current calendar), based on the most commonly used calendar at the time. If the calendar stays the same as it is now, the option "1 CE" will be selected. Here are a few examples of calendars fulfilling other options:
A date before 1 CE:
Various calendars from the "creation of the world", Anno Mundi
Holocene calendar aka Kurzgesagt "Human Era"
A date between 1 CE and 1000 CE
Islamic Hijri calendar starting in 622 CE
A date between 1001 CE and 2000 CE
Unix time, starting in 1970
I do not bet on my own questions.