The market will resolve to “Yes” if, before 1st January 2027, any individual or legal entity (such as a company or organization) directly involved in the Grenfell Tower disaster is formally prosecuted in relation to the disaster. This includes prosecutions for criminal charges, regulatory offenses, or any other legal proceedings initiated by a relevant authority (e.g., the Crown Prosecution Service or a regulatory body) in connection with the events of the Grenfell Tower fire.
The market will resolve to “No” if, by 1st January 2027, no such prosecutions have been initiated.
Additional Clarifications:
• A prosecution is defined as the formal charging of an individual or entity by a relevant authority, indicating that legal proceedings have commenced.
• The resolution will not depend on the outcome of the prosecution (e.g., conviction or acquittal), only on whether prosecution has been initiated.
• Individuals or entities “directly involved” include, but are not limited to, builders, contractors, suppliers, building managers, regulators, or government officials whose actions or omissions are directly related to the Grenfell Tower fire.
• The market will resolve based on publicly verifiable information, such as official announcements, court records, or reliable news sources.