Was GPT-4 trained in 4 months or less?

If I become confident at >95%, I will evaluate this YES or NO.

This is for the base model in particular.

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Saltman said it cost ~100 million minimum for training gpt-4

@firstuserhere I can't tell if this is for the cluster itself or an estimate of the cost of the cluster-time

Matthew Barnett says GPT-3.5 finished training in early 2022.

We know that GPT-4 finished training in August 2022.

My best guess is GPT-3 took 1~3 months to train: https://www.getguesstimate.com/models/22425


Do you have a source for this claim?

@NoaNabeshima Also I've heard it said that GPT-3.5 was a test run for the hardware used to train GPT-4, suggesting that GPT-4 came after GPT-3.5 was done.

Unclear if GPT-3.5 is literally just the largest model in the GPT-4 scaling law experiment

@NoaNabeshima Came to these estimates with @datagenproc though idk if they endorse them