Will I finish "Gödel, Escher, Bach" by 2023?
resolved Dec 6
I haven't started it yet. This market is a commitment device; I'm putting my own money at stake to incentivise me to succeed. Close date updated to 2022-07-31 11:59 pm Close date updated to 2022-12-31 11:59 pm
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predicted NO

Yay! Congratz! Did you enjoy the book?

predicted YES

@Lorenzo Very much so! Highly recommended, although you maybe don't have to read the whole thing like I did...

bought Ṁ70 of NO

How’s it looking?

predicted YES

@Conflux Almost done and see no reason why I won't finish now. Just need to find some time to read the last bit in one go so I can read something else 😅

sold Ṁ5 of NO

@NcyRocks Gotcha. Nice!

predicted YES

"Will I finish "Gödel, Escher, Bach" by 2023?"

Will I finish
sold Ṁ9 of YES
Point taken about the middle third! I'm still pretty sure I can do this - I can increase the rate if need be. I'd bet more if I had more M$. (As I type this, the text above says that I sold M$9 of YES - this might be technically true since I still had some NO shares from creating the market, but what I actually did was buy M$50 of YES.)
predicted NO
This path started with slack for 5 derails this year. 13% of the time in, 20% of the slack has been consumed.
bought Ṁ50 of NO
If you're falling off this early, there is *no way* you get through the middle third remotely fast enough. *Everyone* slows down substantially for the nitty-gritty, pretty-bland parts in the middle third of GEB. You will need all the slack in the Beeminder goal and more just for that third.
bought Ṁ1 of NO
Motivational ping for @NcyRocks 1 day before beeminder derail!
bought Ṁ1 of YES
Graph added: https://www.beeminder.com/ncyrocks/eternalgoldenbraid
bought Ṁ200 of YES
@Lorenzo I'll try not to disappoint you - but hey, even if I fail you make a profit! Figured I should try to restore the market to the baseline myself so your money actually goes to me...
bought Ṁ175 of NO
Paying M$ to incentivise you to read it, since I also think it's a very fun and interesting book! (Probably my second favourite book) I would suggest quickly skimming the obviously outdated stuff (mostly about neuroscience), or parts that you don't find interesting (for me it was the dialogue about the phonograph), so you can focus on the cool stuff. Really hope to lose this one!
bought Ṁ30 of YES
I'm buing YES because you *should* read it :-)
bought Ṁ20 of NO
The probability would go way up if you added a Beeminder graph...