There will be an open source LLM approximately as good or better than GPT4 before 2025
resolved Jul 18

Apr 1, 4:35pm: Will there be an open source LLM approximately as good as GPT4 before 2025? → There will be an open source LLM approximately as good or better than GPT4 before 2025

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From lmsys benchmarks, if this is referring to GPT4-0314 then DSv2 should resolve this.

How does it do on the LLM leaderboard?

bought Ṁ250 YES

@NathanYoung Judging from the fact that the market is created in April 2023, you probably meant GPT4-0314?

You might want to resolve YES. There have been multiple open source models surpassing the GPT4 score on LMsys

@Sss19971997 Since the person deleted his account. we need to call some market monitor to resolve?

@Sss19971997 You tagged the wrong account, it’s @NathanpmYoung

@bence Thank you my man

Yep. Would like some clarification on the closing conditions though

predicted YES

I believe this is obviously yes. The only real question is whether it will happen before the end of 2023.

How does this resolve if someone leaks the weights of a closed source model?

@vluzko How do you think it should resolve?

predicted YES

@NathanpmYoung You should be able to use the LLM in a commercial application without getting sued.

If code is open source but weights are not, like LLaMa, does it count as a "no" or a "yes" resolution?

2025 is a long ways away

@Anonymouse Yeah, it's equivalent to like 30 AI years