Will the first pig kidney transplant be successful long term?
resolved May 13

The first pig to human kidney transplant was performed March 16, 2024 on a 62 year-old man with end stage renal failure by Harvard Medical School.

Yes if either:

  • The patient survives 1 year without dialysis

  • The patient survives 5 years even with dialysis

It is likely details of the treatment of the patient will be published in medical case studies or media reports allowing resolution. Resolves NO if the patient receives any further kidneys of any kind or if the kidney is removed from the patient.

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If the patient dies with the kidney, how do you plan on resolving this? Will you try to determine whether the death was caused by the kidney?

@HankyUSA if the patient dies without the conditions being met, it is NO regardless of the cause.

In the interest of clarity: this is about transplanting a pig kidney into a human, right?

@BrunoParga Yeah specifically this case https://hms.harvard.edu/news/first-genetically-edited-pig-kidney-transplanted-human which was announced the day this was created.

I presume this also resolves "NO" if the kidney is removed without any replacement?

@MartinModrak Yeah if the kidney is removed before one of these happens it is NO.

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