Will Javier Milei (argentinian libertarian politician) still be alive in 2025?

Javier Milei is a libertarian politician. He just won the primaries in Argentina and he is proposing a radical change in the country.

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I see libertarians/anarchists on every reddit thread mentioning milei discussing that the CIA will take him out. Came looking for this market, glad it’s at 92% (people are sane) but was hoping for some free anti-crazy alpha.

predicts YES

Seems low: is there much history of politicians being assassinated in Argentina?

bought Ṁ20 of NO

I hope I lose this bet.

bought Ṁ10 of YES

@AndrewHartman I think he is a piece of shit and don't care for him at all, but Argentina needs some change, anything is welcomed at this point

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