The bet will be considered POSITIVE if a frozen conflict is established in Ukraine by December 31st, 2025, similar to war in Donbass from 2015 to 2021. This is defined as:
A formal or not formal ceasefire agreement is in place
No major kinetic military operations, major shelling, or battles occur for a consecutive 3 month period
Some Russian forces remain occupying parts of Ukraine
Political resolution talks stall with no comprehensive peace deal
The bet will be considered NEGATIVE if active fighting and kinetic warfare in Ukraine continues to occur consistently throughout 2024-2025, with no ceasefire longer than 2 months.
If by December 31st, 2025, a definitive frozen conflict has not set in, but hostilities have also not ceased, the bet will be considered N/A.
Frozen conflict by EOY 2024 link
Frozen conflict by EOY 2025 (you are here)
I don't understand the difference between these two possibilities:
"The bet will be considered NEGATIVE if active fighting and kinetic warfare in Ukraine continues to occur consistently throughout 2024-2025, with no ceasefire longer than 2 months.
If by December 31st, 2025, a definitive frozen conflict has not set in, but hostilities have also not ceased, the bet will be considered N/A."
Also, what if there is a peace treaty?
@AlexandreK The bet will be considered NEGATIVE if kinetic military operations between Russian and Ukrainian forces occur with no pauses longer than 2 months at any point until EOY 2025. Kinetic military operations include, but are not limited to: artillery shelling, bombing campaigns, skirmishes between troops, heavy weaponry attacks, aerial bombardments, naval hostilities.
If by December 31st, 2025 fighting is still ongoing with no definitive frozen conflict, and no pauses longer than 2 months at any point, the bet outcome would be NEGATIVE. However, if fighting has stalled but talks are progressing on a resolution, the bet could be considered N/A past the end date.
If at any point before December 31, 2025, a comprehensive bilateral peace treaty is officially signed between Ukraine and Russia, the bet outcome would instantly switch to NEGATIVE regardless of any frozen conflict status. A bilateral negotiated peace deal would indicate the conflict is resolved and no longer frozen. Hallmarks of a comprehensive bilateral peace treaty would entail terms such as withdrawal of Russian forces, territorial concessions, security guarantees, formal declaration of peace.
Bet on Russo-Ukraine war here:
Will the Ukraine war enter a state of "frozen conflict" by:
EOY 2025?
EOY 2024?
If any side secures a ceasefire agreement with Ukraine, what will be the causes?
pro-Russian ceasefire?
pro-Ukraine ceasefire?
Will Transnistria be annexed by Russia until EOY 2025?
Will one or more Ukrainian private military companies participate in battalion-sized (500+ soldier) combat operations?
Will Ukraine destroy at least 5 strategic bombers this year, preventing their further use for shelling Ukraine?
Will Ukrainian frontline collapse until EOY 2024?
Will Ukrainian authorities lift the travel ban for male citizens aged 18-60 by January 1, 2026?
Will commercial flights resume from any Ukrainian airport by January 1, 2026?