Will the Tax Relief for American Families and Workers Act pass in February?
resolved Mar 1

On January 31, the US House of Representatives passed HR 7024, the Tax Relief for American Families and Workers Act of 2024. This bill reforms the Employee Retention Tax Credit, the Child Tax Credit, business tax deductions, and other programs.

This will resolve YES if the president signs the bill into law in February, even if amended compared to the House version.

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This can be resolved NO today, probably around 9pm Eastern, i.e. in about 7h15min, when Senate adjourns. There has been no further action on the bill, and they aren't scheduled to vote on it today either. (They've been voting on various judicial nominations this whole week.)

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@JohnBennett Congress rarely misses a chance to miss a deadline.

predicted NO

This will eventually pass; it's just unlikely to pass in the timeframe. It was referred to the Senate on 1 Feb 2024 but there's been no action since then [1].

However, the Senate calendar has 12-23 Feb as a state work period, and they're not in session on 5 Feb either [2]. So the only days available to take action on this bill are 6-9 and 26-29 Feb. Recall also that it takes 2-3 days for the president to sign a bill after it's passed House and Senate.

[1] https://www.congress.gov/bill/118th-congress/house-bill/7024/all-actions?overview=closed#tabs

[2] https://www.senate.gov/legislative/resources/pdf/2024_calendar.pdf

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