Will I manage to not eat/drink any sugary sweets until 10 April 2023?
resolved Apr 10

Consider this me starting late lent. I want to try out manifold for personal accountability.

I arbitrarily define sweets as foods with >10% sugar content or drinks with >5% sugar content.

Fresh fruit is fine but dried fruit is candy.

I'm usually quite good at sticking with these kinds of self-discipline things so I dare you to bet against me. I will resolve honestly.

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"Fresh fruit is fine but dried fruit is candy."


predicted YES

@BenjaminIkuta I think dried fruits such as dates are almost as unhealthy as candy

@MaxG What's the difference between dried fruit and fresh fruit, other than water?

predicted NO

@BenjaminIkuta I think since it's more condensed, it's easier to eat large amounts of it which could be really high in sugar

@audrey But they're also harder, so they take longer to chew. Also that's kinda weird criteria. Nutritionally they're the same?

predicted NO

@BenjaminIkuta Perhaps, but it does align with the >10% sugar rule considering most fresh fruits seem to be around 10% sugar. dried fruits can be upwards of 50%, similar to the percentage of a candy bar. although by this rule some fruits like mangoes wouldn't be allowed, even fresh

predicted YES

@audrey @BenjaminIkuta unfortunately paywalled but this has some good takes on the subject https://peterattiamd.com/is-natural-sugar-from-fruit-just-as-bad-as-added-sugar/

predicted NO

Way to go! What will be your next goal or challenge?

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I accept your dare! Good luck!