Will US arms sales to Israel for their war with Hamas greatly reduce or eliminate US arms sales to Ukraine?
Oct 16

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Thanks shump. I'm obviously new to this. I'll tighten up the question when I have a chance. In the meantime, I've tried a few times to extend the close date but don't see how to make the new date I specify in the edit box update on the question page. The only option I see below the new date I specify is a button that will cancel the question. I'm clearly missing something.

@Maureeecebd28 If you mouse over the date there's an edit icon:

And you can click that to edit the date.

Sorry about this; it's a continued source of confusion to many people. Let me know if there are other things I can help with!

@Maureeecebd28 Did you figure out how you wanted to resolve the question and when?

Hey there! As it is right now, this market is pretty vague, but I really like the idea, so I wanted to offer some feedback.

  1. Please specify how would you quantify "greatly reduce or eliminate"

  1. Please specify what source or statistic you will use to resolve this

  2. Please set the close date to a more appropriate time, I don't think we will know the answer to this so soon.

  3. If there will be a reduction in US arms sales to Ukraine, we will never be able to know whether it was due to Israel or anything else. What you can do in this case is making markets like "If X happens, will Y happen" and "If X doesn't happen, will Y happen". We will still never get to know the cause, but that way you can get people to trade based on how they think X will affect Y. This is the biggest problem with this market as it stands right now, and there's no easy way to fix it. I think the simplest fix is to just remove the first part about Israel and ask whether sales to Ukraine will be reduced.