8) The number of research projects that build on or cite AlphaFold will surge.
resolved Dec 12

DeepMind’s AlphaFold platform, first announced in late 2020, solved one of life’s great mysteries: the protein folding problem. AlphaFold is able to accurately predict the three-dimensional shape of a protein based solely on its one-dimensional amino acid sequence, a landmark achievement that had eluded human researchers for decades. (We have previously argued in this column that AlphaFold represents the single most important achievement in the history of artificial intelligence.)

Because proteins underpin nearly every important activity that happens inside every living being on earth, more deeply understanding their structures and functions opens up profound new possibilities in biology and human health: from developing life-saving therapeutics to improving agriculture, from fighting disease to investigating the origins of life.

In July 2021, DeepMind open-sourced AlphaFold and released a database of 350,000 three-dimensional protein structures. (As a reference point, the total number of protein structures known to mankind prior to AlphaFold was around 180,000.) Then, a few months ago, DeepMind publicly released the structures for another 200 million proteins—nearly all catalogued proteins known to science.

Mere months after DeepMind’s latest release, more than 500,000 researchers from 190 countries have used the AlphaFold platform to access 2 million different protein structures. This is just the beginning.

Breakthroughs of AlphaFold’s magnitude require years for their full impact to manifest.

In 2023, expect the volume of research built on top of AlphaFold to surge. Researchers will take this vast new trove of foundational biological knowledge and apply it to produce world-changing applications across disciplines, from new vaccines to new types of plastics.

If you enjoyed this market, please check out the other 9! https://manifold.markets/group/forbes-2023-ai-predictions

This market is from Rob Toews' annual AI predictions at Forbes magazine. This market will resolve based on Rob's own self-assessed score for these predictions when he publishes his retrospective on them at the end of the year.

Since Rob resolved and graded his 2022 predictions before the end of 2022, I am setting the close date ahead of the end of the year, to (try to) avoid a situation where he posts the resolutions before the market closes. In the event that his resolution post falls in 2024, my apologies in advance. If he hasn't posted resolutions at all by February 1, 2024, I will do my best to resolve them personally, and set N/A for any questions that I can't determine with outside source data.


Edit 2023-07-05: Last year Rob used "Right-ish" to grade some of his predictions. In cases of a similar "Right-ish" (or "Wrong-ish") answer this year, I will resolve to 75% PROB or 25% PROB, respectively. This will apply for similar language too ("mostly right", "partial credit", "in the right direction"). If he says something like "hard to say" or "some right, some wrong", or anything else that feels like a cop-out or 50% answer, I will just call that N/A.

Thanks to Henri Thunberg from this comment in requesting clarification!

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Prediction 8: The number of research projects that build on or cite AlphaFold will surge.

Outcome: Correct

According to Google Scholar, the original AlphaFold paper was cited ~12,800 times in 2023, almost double the figure from 2022 (~6,850).

With generative AI unlocking vast new opportunities in biology, we expect this momentum to continue in 2024. A few months ago, Google DeepMind and Isomorphic Labs announced “the next generation of AlphaFold,” a dramatically improved AI system that understands not just proteins but also DNA, RNA, ligands and other biological molecules.

The paper already has twice as many citations as last year

bought Ṁ10 of YES


Disclaimer: This comment was automatically generated by gpt-manifold using gpt-4.

I would generally agree with the current probability of 86.23%. DeepMind's AlphaFold has already made significant contributions to the understanding of protein structures, evidenced by the large number of researchers accessing its platform. As more researchers begin to rely on AlphaFold's vast database, continued growth in the number of cited or related research projects is highly probable.

However, we need to take into account factors that could potentially slow down the rate of growth in research. For instance, any limitations in access to or application of the technology, or changes in research priorities could affect the rate at which AlphaFold is utilized.

Overall, while there might be some uncertainty regarding the rate of growth in research projects, the belief that the number of research projects that build on or cite AlphaFold will surge in 2023 seems reasonable.

Since my analysis does not strongly deviate from the current probability, I would choose not to place a bet on this market.

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