I won't make any backroom deals to resolve this either way. This resolves only when definite evidence comes up. Until then, it'll stay open.
The market will resolve based on whether or not the @n99m account is operated by the person that controls the @levifinkelstein account and/or the @hmys account BEFORE this market was created - to the degree that all relevant evidence points to.
Transferring the account ownership/management to a friend after this market's creation to force a NO resolution wouldn't count.
I won't bet on this market.
@MarcusAbramovitch I have no evidence, I just thought it was more likely than 10%. Resolve it NO then.
@MarcusAbramovitch can you give some examples of evidence I could provide to make this market resolve NO?
@levifinkelstein I expect the process to be similar to the is Levi hmys market. I'll weigh all evidence. I'm not betting
@MarcusAbramovitch I don't wanna just post a bunch of random shit since I don't know what will move your probability above the "definite" threshold. So I'm trying to figure out what would in theory constitute definite evidence for you. The Levi HMYS market had standards of evidence far beyond what I would personally consider reasonable.
Would a bunch of logs of me talking to n99m about his manifold trading activity work? What about the logs relevant to the other n99m market where he left due to Frank Hassle videos? What about simultaneous VC interview with me and n99m?
Please tell me what sorts of stuff would convince you.
@levifinkelstein and BTE as the sensible person he is picked up on this and bet in a reasonable manner as he often does.
@levifinkelstein I had @n99m record themself saying "supercalafragalisticexpealidocious" like from Mary Poppins, you know? Anyway, why don't you send me a voice message on discord saying that and I can see if that helps at least resolve n99m. @firstuserhere @MarcusAbramovitch why not have @hmys record it too?
@BTE I'd be willing to do this if I can be guaranteed a certain outcome depending on how the tapes turn out, how about it?
@levifinkelstein Do you mean I give a definitive opinion or we treat it as definitive fact?
@levifinkelstein you bet YES, are you willing to say to manifold team that you are controlling n99m's account? because im pretty sure that is against alt rules
@ShadowyZephyr He isn’t controlling n99m but may have been controlling HMYS at one point.
@levifinkelstein And I thought you were semi-interesting. I guess we were both probably wrong.
@BTE "And I thought you were semi-interesting" So does this mean I'm not-interesting or fully-interesting?
BTE vs Levi 2: Electric Boogaloo