Will there be proof that Joe Biden is using stimulant drugs (besides caffeine) during the 2024 campaign?
Nov 6

This market will resolve YES if, before November 5th 2024, there is proof that Joe Biden has used any drug considered a stimulant besides caffeine at any point this year.

Per Wikipedia:

Stimulants (also known as central nervous system stimulants, or psychostimulants, or colloquially as uppers) are a class of drugs that increase the activity of the brain. They are used for various purposes, such as enhancing alertness, attention, motivation, cognition, mood, and physical performance. Some of the most common stimulants are caffeine, nicotine, amphetamines, cocaine, methylphenidate, modafinil.

This market does not require that Biden admit to using stimulants, a consensus of credible reporting based on strong evidence would still be sufficient to resolve this market.

Hypothetical examples of strong evidence:

  • A verified recent prescription for a stimulant in Biden's name

  • Testimony from multiple reliable staffers close to Biden

  • Leaked behind-the-scenes audio/video of Biden using stimulants

However, a direct confirmation by Biden would also be sufficient to resolve this market without any other evidence.

If the requirements to resolve this market YES are not met by November 5th, this market will resolve to NO.

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Some telltale signs with the big eyes and ramping, hoarseness of voice and seemingly dry mouth but it'll never be proven.

The dude is famously a teetotaler and his favorite drink is orange Gatorade. The only stimulant he's on is fondly remembering the 1970s.

bought Ṁ50 NO


Has a list of his medications.

Random side notes:

Didn’t know he was using PAP for sleep apnea but apparently was reported last year:


Also stiffness in his gait that you might have seen in recent videos seems to be attributed to arthritis in his foot and spine.

bought Ṁ2,000 NO

Note: Ice Cream is not considered a stimulant for this market.