What will the total profit of the #1 trader be in the Salem/CSPI tournament?
resolved Nov 20

Resolves to the Total profit of the number one leaderboard trader (doesn't have to be eligible for prizes, but can't be disqualified) as shown on [this page](https://salemcenter.manifold.markets/leaderboards)

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Resolved based on Eliza's script, and corroboration from Johnny Ten-Numbers in the Discord that this is a valid way to calculate profit for SalemCenter.

@ConnorPitts did this tournament give away bonuses of mana or anything like that? Is the profit being balance - deposits accurate or should it be a little lower than 22182.


@SirSalty The linked page does not show "Profit" anywhere. The page's linked writeup does say 'guyin1stplace' was the winner. In the process of loading the page, a file with the following information is summoned. There is a "balance" amount of 23182 and a "totalDeposits" amount of 1000.

I think we have two options:

1. Resolve N/A because no profit is shown on the linked page
2. Resolve 22182

Too ambiguous for me, I'll let you figure it out.

{ "createdTime":1661465303054, "name":"guyin1stplace", "betMoreThanFiftyOnContractsCount":45, "username":"guyin1stplace", "totalDeposits":1000, "balance":23182.052526503867, "midtermProfit":1729.4655887487402, "profitCached":{"monthly":0,"daily":0,"weekly":0,"allTime":0}, "shouldShowWelcome":false, "avatarUrl":"https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/a/AItbvmmy-hOBQrGyL-nkszl6mNoBGqoCWTDBBQjjm1TR=s96-c", "creatorVolumeCached":{"weekly":0,"daily":0,"monthly":0,"allTime":0}, "id":"102hYaQkuxZ7wnPNGZ5JcDMR2aR2", "followerCountCached":10, "followedCategories":["politics","technology","science","world","sports","economics","culture"], "totalBets":514 }