The descripion field on the market creation page is collapsed and I can't type in it. Screenshot in market comments.
resolved Apr 7

Resolves yes if this bug is 1) recognized as valid by a member of the Manifold core team, and 2) fixed in a week. Resolves No if this is a bug and we don't fix it, and N/A if this isn't recognized as a valid bug. Filed from

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Gonna resolve this to n/a since dont remember and dont want to waste dev time figuring it out. I'm not sure who was previously resolving these markets.

But if someone wants to figure out the exact pr that fixed the bug and send a link to it I'll change the resolution.

bought Ṁ137 of NO

@DavidChee It wasn't fixed, that's why a NO resolution is correct.

predicted NO

This can resolve.

bought Ṁ10 of NO
predicted NO

Happened on Chrome version 107.0.5304.87 (Official Build) (x86_64). Fixed itself when I reloaded the page.

The descripion field on the market creation page is collapsed and I can't type in it. Screenshot in market comments., 8k, beautiful, illustration, trending on art station, picture of the day, epic composition