If the left/right culture war comes for AI before US elections, will the right be the pro-AI side?
Nov 30

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with Trump's pick for JD Vance for VP, pro-tech people are tweeting support for a Trump presidency in the last 24h. let's see whether it continues...

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The new GOP platform includes some pro-AI and anti-AI-regulation language: https://x.com/AndrewCurran_/status/1810433357555392845

AI art is literally banned in most left-leaning subreddits since they โ€œstealโ€ from artists and online artists tend to be left-wing

How does this resolve if it doesn't "come for AI" before then?

I still donโ€™t agree with this left/right framing.

@ClubmasterTransparent what's a better framing? Seems like the left/right divide comes for any issue that's big enough these days. I did not expect the level of division over a pandemic, for example.

AI threatens politically blue America before blue collar America, as AI is poised to automate cognitive jobs before most trades. Additionally, right wingers tend to support free market enterprise, and taking the stance against the products of that seems out of character. I think the NYT case against OpenAI has really galvanized the left as being more "anti-AI" on the basis of copyright for the moment.

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@Vorak On the other hand, politically red America really, really, really hates change of any kind.