If someone agrees to loan me M$1000 for 1 week, how much will I pay back? This resolves at the end of the first such 1 week loan. The loan will be processed by the loaner creating a manalink for M$1000. I will then create a manalink for the amount owed, which the loaner agrees to not cash for one week. If there are no takers, I resolve to N/A
To initiate the process, comment 'I will accept M$____'. At first close, I will take the lowest such offer first, but I may take more than one. After this, the market will reopen. The market will then resolve to the amount paid back to the first lender
Close date updated to 2022-11-02 11:59 am
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# | Name | Total profit |
1 | Ṁ1,354 | |
2 | Ṁ91 | |
3 | Ṁ8 | |
4 | Ṁ7 | |
5 | Ṁ0 |
I accept the following offers. You may withdraw as long as you are not the last to do so:
@Yev M$1 (I don't really think M$0 counts as a loan)
@jack M$1000
@wasabipesto M$1009
@LivInTheLookingGlass Sorry for making my bids so complicated, but I don't believe M$1000 is correct. My bids were:
"If the lowest bid by anyone else (excluding wasabipesto) is greater than 1010, I will accept their bid minus 1." -> Lowest bid is M$1 so this bid does not take effect.
(If fractional bids are allowed, which I totally understand if they aren't) "half of Yev's lowest bid if it is positive." (Also this results in a logical inconsistency since Yev also bid half of my lowest bid...)
However, I'm happy to loan you M$1000 if you want anyway because I enjoyed this market haha.
@wasabipesto Oh god, I hadn't considered this. I really need to design this more carefully next time. Spirit of the market is no, @yev is first
@jack Ah, so it is. That's what I get for going off of my summary comment instead of the real thing. And sure! I can definitely put M$1k to good use
@Yev I saw this coming haha :)
But have you noticed that you could bid M$1, and then reject Olivia's payment, and then profit with a bunch of cheap NO shares on your other market?
@LivInTheLookingGlass I think it should, but in case it doesn't:
I withdraw my M$0 bid.
I will accept M$1.
@jack No you don't! I will accept half of what Jack bids.
Although the description clearly says the money should be transferred via manalinks, so I don't think fractional bets are valid..