What topics or who will Elon Musk tweet about on X before July 4th? [ADD YOUR OWN]
Jul 5
Protests and/or riots on school campuses
European farmers' protests (any country)
A picture with a post about his birthday, on his birthday
Cat girls
Fathers Day
Literally "Make America Great Again" (not MAGA)
Bitcoin Halving
Any cryptocurrency
Canada or Justin Trudeau
Some reference to his birthday being 69 days after 4/20
Literally “69”
Birth Control
Proactively advocating for peace or against war
Independece Day Firework
Proactively advocating for more legal immigration
Literally "spice"
Chat GPT

Whatever Musk tweets or reposts, including reposts (the content directly visible in the repost and pictures (videos, podcasts, etc. are excluded) without opening a thread) after market creation/adding the submission, counts. Whatever is visible under "Posts" on his page, even if deleted later, also counts. Replies, etc., do not count.

  • I reserve the right to mark any answer as N/A for any reason, especially low value answers (i.e. "Tesla" or "United States") according to my judgement. Please ask beforehand. [payments for submissions won't be returned]

  • Literally submissions will only be based on what Musk directly types on X in his own posts and in the text above reposts. This does not include what other people write or what he uses in replies. Furthermore, it does not include what he says in a video or what is visible in a picture or meme, even if these contain words.

Resolution criteria

  • I'll be fairly relaxed, but it should be clear and obvious. I.e. if he tweets "the president does[...]," Joe Biden would resolve to yes. However, "Obamacare" won't resolve "Obama." "Transgender" isn't enough to resolve "LGBT," but "LGBTQIA+" and "transgender, [...] homosexuals and bisexuals" would resolve "LGBT." If the submission requires an international context, the submission won't resolve if Musk only mentions a single country. If you need more examples, please feel free to ask.

  • I'll use my own judgment and might seek input from mods in unclear cases or decide to N/A.

  • I won't bet in this market except if Microsoft pushes certain answers in the ranking.

  • The question closes on July 4th at 0:00 PT. Any submissions without proof by July 5th at 0:00 PST will be resolved as NO.

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Only original posts and reposts are considered for this question. Replies do not count.

Please do not intentionally copy submissions from other users in my old market. I will mark them as N/A.

Protests and/or riots on school campuses

Just fyi: This post is NOT obvious enough to resolve "protests on school campuses". https://twitter.com/elonmusk/status/1786361002675597582?t=rl7fBleegshfJ6BUxC5VFg&s=19


c&p from @shankypanky

" https://twitter.com/elonmusk/status/1785012847149506816
listed in the summary on this RT video (also in the video but it's listed in text so doesn't require watching lol)"

Taylor Swift

Pfff, everyone is the target audience 🧡

[Doesn't count, because reply]

Pro-natalism or Population Decline

why N/A ? It wasn't in the old market...

@WalterJr description:

I reserve the right to mark any answer as N/A for any reason, especially low value answers (i.e. "Tesla" or "United States).

It's somewhat unnecessary to mention one of his largest companies he has tweeted about at least 20 times in the past week. It's okay to add stuff he already has once tweeted about, but nothing like this which has a prob of 99% yes in the next 24 hours.

bought Ṁ10 Taylor Swift NO

Would free speech work as a topic to put in the market?

@bug It would serve as a suitable topic, but its value is relatively low since he daily discusses it, especially with the current focus on Australia and Brazil. Therefore I'd N/A it.

@Lion alright, thanks!

Only original posts and reposts are considered for this question. Replies do not count.

Please do not intentionally copy submissions from other users in my old market. I will mark them as N/A.