
This will resolve to the Twitter/X account that has the post from the year 2024 with the most likes on January 1, 2025 at 12:00am ET.

Feel free to add any account you want, but remember that the answer has to be a single Twitter account. "Joe Biden" would not be an eligible answer, while @JoeBiden and @POTUS would be eligible.

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@Qoiuoiuoiu Barack Obama was already an option, so I switched your addition to Michelle.

@KnowNothing whoops, apparently I'm blind


If she gets engaged this Summer...


| Year | Tweet Content (Snippet) | Likes (Approx.) | Link |


| 2019 | Barack Obama's tweet quoting Nelson Mandela. | 4.0 million | [Link]( |

| 2020 | Family of Chadwick Boseman announces his passing. | 7.0 million | [Link]( |

| 2021 | Joe Biden: "It's a new day in America." | 3.8 million | [Link]( |

| 2022 | Elon Musk: "Next I’m buying Coca-Cola to put the cocaine back in." | 4.7 million | [Link]( |

| 2023 | Greta Thunberg's response to Andrew Tate's arrest. | 3.9 million | [Link]( |

What's the highest one right now? Is it still Trump's mugshot?

@Marnix 2024 hasn't started yet, so nothing

@KnowNothing i am so very good at reading