The mission does not need to be 'solely' focused on Io, as long as Io makes up a substantial part of its programme of investigation.
@Mqrius I think Tianwen-4 is the 'first-up' best shot, but if China goes in a different direction I reckon there's a good chance that NASA will select an Io probe for the next Discovery or New Frontiers mission slots
@JoshuaWilkes Yeah agreed, I don't think it's the only possibility. I'm a bit skeptical about NASA with its whole Veritas woes atm, but 2030 is far away, two more presidents and a Starship ramp-up, so a lot can change in that time.
@Mqrius I'm embarrassed to admit that I didn't know Veritas was delayed.
There is probably a market in there somewhere;)
@JoshuaWilkes heh, there's a market about it, but one can't profit off of your ignorance with that one ๐
@Mqrius we need more space-engaged users. There's obviously a huge demographic who'd love to vote on polls about this stuff, but they don't know about Manifold
@JoshuaWilkes I've tried sharing a bit on twitter where relevant but it hasn't gotten any people to sign up so far!
@Mqrius at the end of the year when Everyday Astronaut does his predictions polls we should spam the comments with markets