Be warned! All options resolve according to the most trollishly correct argument presented in the comments! Everything in this market might be a trap! All mana bet is forfeit, no refunds!
Events must happen after the creation of this market and before market close at 9 PM PT, April 1st.
Whether something happened is decided by the person who submitted the option to the market, unless their ruling is challenged by at least two other users in which case I will then rule on the case with my own troll logic.
If my own troll logic is challenged by at least two additional users, then we will escalate even further to some form of Silly Court.
This market is intended to be in good fun, if I judge an option to not be in good fun I will N/A the option.
This market will be unranked and not count for leagues, unless one of the site staff who outrank me decides it would be funny to make it ranked.
Any of these criteria might be updated to better fit the spirit of the market.
l will not trade on this market.
Related questions
so what happens now, i just sit here and wait for him to end the market? can someone explain it because it isnt clear at all how this is supposed to work
or can someone just write a random comment and have it resolve no? can i write a random comment to have it resolve yes?
@PlasmaBallin that's true, but also:
(I don't remember this happening? I thought he was just deleted after immolating, but still liking markets/comments etc afterward?)
@Joshua That sounds too rational for a troll logic market. You have to think rationalussy, not rationally.
@Joshua the market also didn't close at 9 PM PT, April 1st per the description, so I believe all criteria is sus here
@Joshua there isn't a year specified here - is this April Fool's Day 2025? 🤔 truly a loophole Levi would be proud of