Will HPMoR be sold on Amazon?
resolved Dec 7

Will physical copies of the Harry Potter and the Methods of Rationality book series be sold on Amazon by the end of the year?

This market resolves yes if I can go to amazon.com and order a physical copy of [ETA 29 Oct 2023: at least the first volume of] [ETA 31 Oct 2023: all volumes in the series of] HPMoR and it arrives at my place, and predict that other people can order it too, just like a normal book; there should be a supply of >200 copies (i.e. this is not just a small number of second-hand copies, or similar).

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predicted YES

Do people think I should resolve this NO now? Anyone think I should not?

predicted NO

@JonasVollmer I'm too heavily invested for my comment to count, but if the existing copy has been pulled and the email from Amazon is the "final word" then I don't see a reason to drag it out to end of year

Another attempt could be made but the current situation seems to indicate it would only be temporary

predicted NO

@Dave_9000ish Resolving now, as nobody has objected, and 3 people (including Vikram) have agreed

predicted YES

Amazon has definitively told me this will not happen.

@VikramValame Why is it from "kindle content review" if we're talking physical books?

predicted YES

@chrisjbillington I was using KDP print-on-demand

predicted NO

@VikramValame even orignal listing is gone


predicted YES

@VikramValame Sad 😢 Congrats on trying though!

predicted NO

@JonasVollmer I really wanted this to happen, regardless of mana. I got my copy of the first volume at least! Good effort 👍

predicted NO

@VikramValame Do you know how many got sold?

Want to know how rare my copy is now. 😎

predicted YES

@marketwise I can’t even log in to my account, so no! Sorry :(.

predicted NO

@VikramValame Do you know what the violation was?

predicted NO

Is it looking unlikely from a pure time point of view? Remaining volumes by end December?

2 traders bought Ṁ125 NO
predicted YES

Update: Amazon says probably not happening. Better start selling!

bought Ṁ10 YES from 58% to 59%
predicted NO

@VikramValame was this just a ploy to tank the price?

predicted YES

No, it was not.

predicted NO

@VikramValame Do you have proof of amazon saying this?

predicted YES

Obviously? They sent me an email.

predicted NO

@VikramValame Can you show it here?

predicted NO

show or it didnt happen

predicted YES

@TheBayesian You’re free to bet yes!

predicted NO

@VikramValame why do you still have your yes position

predicted YES

@Dave_9000ish Well I’m not going to insider trade lol. I made my bet when I posted the books to Amazon, and I’ll keep it until they give me a final denial or acceptance.

predicted NO

@VikramValame insider trading is the best trading

2 traders bought Ṁ175 NO
predicted YES

@Dave_9000ish It's back

bought Ṁ250 YES from 56% to 69%
predicted NO

@mudPi314 eek.

Oh well, let's see what happens

predicted NO

@mudPi314 showing as un-back again for me?

bought Ṁ50 NO from 68% to 63%
predicted YES

@Dave_9000ish Oh wow, anyone have an idea what causes it to go offline?

predicted NO

@JonasVollmer ph'nglui mglw'nafh J. K. Rowling wgah'nagl fhtagn?

predicted NO

@Tomoffer by which I mean maybe it's jk Rowling (via her legal team), no idea though.

predicted NO

@JonasVollmer looks like it's no longer shipping outside of US on dot com site. Entering a US zip code causes it to be available again. So US Local setting applied. Available on amazon UK for UK delivery

predicted NO

@Dave_9000ish oh my mistake then, sorry - and I've ordered a version in the UK! I'm excited (though hoping for the rest of it...)

predicted NO

@Dave_9000ish it used to give me a different message along the lines of "we have it but won't ship to you", but I'll take your word for it!