Will an African nation experience a successful coup d'état in the next three months?
resolved Sep 20

This market will resolve YES if there is a successful coup in an African country in the next three months. Success means (1) the former leader is striped of their position, (2) a significant portion of the military sides with the coup or remains neutral, (3) a transitional leader is named, (4) and the coup persists for at least one week. The coup in Niger is excluded.

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Admin resolved, will look into the alt account later whenever I have time.

predicted YES

@SirSalty Thank you! (Even if damnit, now I regret selling, didn't knew Admins actually get involved like this, that's really cool.)

predicted YES

@JohnSmith9249 ??? @SirSalty this guy seems to have created 10+ accounts, johnsmith+4 letters. He is not resolving this, pls help.

predicted YES
predicted YES

Resolves YES @JohnSmith9249

predicted YES

@JohnSmith the coup in Gabon has persisted for at least a week. The resolution criteria has been fulfilled.

Needs a start date. I suppose people can guess it based on the end date, but you are assuming that people follow you and your markets - whereas it'd be so much easier to include a start date. Eg. "Will there be a coup between Sept 1 and Nov 1 2023?"

predicted YES

market for the coup in Gabon.

bought Ṁ400 of YES

A military coup has been announced in Gabon on 08-30-2023. A group of senior Gabonese military officers appeared on television on Wednesday announcing they were cancelling the result of the country's recent election saying it lacked credibility.

predicted NO

@sarius The clock begins!

bought Ṁ1,000 of YES

@JohnSmith9249 I believe the all the conditions for this market have been met.