Will Manifold reach 2400 DAU (7d average) by April 1st?
resolved Apr 3

Resolves YES as soon as Manifold reaches a 7-day average of at least 2400 DAU.

Resolves NO if that threshold has not been reached on or before April 1st 2023.

The data source will be our stats page! For reference, our DAU as of this market's creation is ~250.

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@JamesGrugett Can you please resolve this market

Now that I'm banned, I'll try to create as many fake accounts as possible to raise DAU.

bought แน€1,000 of NO

@MarkIngraham8bfe careful, for manifold uses Google accounts for OAuth, and Google monitors how many accounts you have or can make

@firstuserhere I have hundreds of Google accounts from similar bans. There is no forum on the internet I am not banned from.

bought แน€1,000 of NO

No, unfortunately not in this time frame, but both the recent changes and the recent growth trajectory look promising!

No but it has a higher pagerank than metaculus.

Will Manifold reach 2400 DAU (7d average) by April 1st?, 8k, beautiful, illustration, trending on art station, picture of the day, epic composition