Manifold Team Feb Retro: What could have gone better?
resolved Mar 5
Too many initiatives / lack of focus
New Portfolio page
Bet on Love
Measuring things (more a/b tests)
No improvement on ND1 (and maybe a decrease)
Building a separate politics site
Announcing Manifest earlier
More monetization initiatives
The day of 0 signups (due to private user migration bug)
Bet on Love paid promo/marketing
Changing creation prices
Partner program

Where did we drop the ball? The point of this isn't to point fingers or assign blame, but rather to identify where our processes and strategy are not serving us well.

This time, I will actually resolve the market to a rough approximation of what I think actually didn't go well. Place your bets!

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No improvement on ND1 (and maybe a decrease)

[j] better segmentation here would be good - is there a way to tell which users came from an ad

[t] many referred; but one piece stocks - they found it on a Twitter ad. [s] we track the campaign, but it doesn't necessarily get everyone

[d] Could just do (ND1 / signups) ratio. As long as that ratio goes up (or is relatively) [j] people from one piece are less good users than normal, then it should go down

[jf] Should put all of the one piece into their own group chat [t] retention would be a lot better if there was a community/subreddit for these

"Will Taylor Swift get married before One Piece Ends" destroys the One Piece Stocks coherence

[d] Tell david if you need people to change posting behavior

[c] will do tag limiting after tag pruning

Bet on Love paid promo/marketing

Were close to getting a lot more traffic from TrumpSC, and Destiny -- but ended up not getting those.

[c] think there's some intangible cultural value, we produced a thing that was much better than expected

[s] worthwhile in utilitarian entertainment; but impact to Manifold's bottom line is not as clear

[d] status of shorts?

[t] put up some shorts, and one person who sponsored to watch it; it was overproduced, and the musical stuff was hard to follow without knowing the rationalist terms. Spent $5k; got 5k viewers, but the production itself wasn't a great ad (just a good show)

Would have been better on Twitter; we scheduled stuff on the restream, but it got blocked on the Twitter side. few problems that interfered with the success of the marketing

New Portfolio page

[j] seems like a big downgrade for most power users [i] but not for new users

[j] Confusing to have had a subset of the information. When we added the balance changes in the top 3, our users didn't want that info (people seemed happier after we removed it)

[s] big problem is not getting initial feedback before pushing [i] that's been our way of doing things though!

[c] if it's good and you change it, people are unhappy. [s] if we already had something decent, people will care a bit more

[j] power users didn't want this at all, unfortunately

[i] people who are on the dev site checking out are extreme power users

[t] good to have shown it to some new users -- power users will complain about anything that's a ibit different [jf] yeah

[s] if power users say this thing is too complicated, that's bad. if they say "I want these new features", you should ignore them

should be measuring outcomes more - a simple A/B test could have gone a long way here. Still don't know what the sign & magnitude of the change would be

[i] if that trades off against just doing a user test, that's not worth doing. The user test test is much more informative

[jf] could just ask users if they like the change [a] good, but user test surfaces many more bits of info

[iw] Think we could have made the change just by making some numbers bigger, instead of having two separate things.

[j] yeah. there's something to be said about exploring. But have it on James's plan to merge the pages together now


[j] not that bad in the grand scheme of things; they're temporary. They're also very distracting to our team's dev workflow

[i] bad that we have opaque backend processes that only marshall understands

[a] wasn't there a plan to offload knowledge. [j] Biggest thing is how he configured the deploys

[c] some of us need to be doing more devops, process-y, backend-y stuff to have the skills in-house. bit intimidating but worth stepping into it

[s] should have a strong presumption in favor of simplicity [a] +1, example of having GCP instead of Vercel hosting is more complexity to save money, but the tradeoff is complexity

Too many initiatives / lack of focus

[j] Partly: Manifold love, bet on love, not having a coherent strategy & goal that's the same for the whole team; we're pushing on a bunch of different things

Think we fixed this this month as well, which is why there's a corresponding thing in the success market

[d] at one point over January - nobody was responsible for the core manifold site & improvements

[a] how we got into this was, end of nov/dec we weren't sure if core product was doing

[j] turning point was the feeling of "there's a lot of low-hanging fruit" after user interviews.

think there's a lot of other things - creator program, numeric markets -- there's a lot more still to do

[s] updated in favor of, rather than a separate site, targeting a different audience and reshaping the site to work well for them. Politics betting is the next largest thing by market size

Building a separate politics site

[s] At least, the next best thing is to have realized this and then done this

Bet on Love
bought แน€10 Bet on Love YES

This had amazing production quality but ended up with very little reach/impact to our user numbers

Partner program

@strutheo what makes u add this to "what could have gone better?"

@SirSalty idk this is kind of my default mode, i thought they wanted suggestions lol

@SirSalty no complaints from me!

bought แน€100 Partner program NO

@strutheo oh ok, just wanted to check if there was a specific reason u put it as an option haha

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