Will this market have someone holding at least 100,000 YES shares at close?
resolved Mar 23

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predicted YES
predicted YES

Wow, two people! Wanted to be extra sure I guess.

predicted NO

Related: There is about M300-500 of free profit available if one of the whales here wants to go do the same thing at https://manifold.markets/8/market-resolves-to-no-unless-someon?r=QQ

predicted YES

If all the NO bettors pool their prospective winnings, they could bribe Michael to sell their shares and come out at a net profit against the other YES bettors.

@IsaacKing that is until another whale notices the giant check laying on the sidewalk

predicted YES
bought Ṁ15 of NO

Im betting on the tiny chance that Michael is a god tier troll.

predicted YES

@Pickle No-one on earth is this committed to the bit:

sold Ṁ14 of YES

@MichaelWheatley C'mon mike, @Spindle needs some competition.

predicted NO

Still, 1 in 300 chance seems very high.

predicted NO

just sell like 4500 shares

predicted NO

@8 :
You were very probably joking, but if not, the problem is that it would just make him lose more because the "yes" would then worth nothing.

predicted NO

@DenisBaudouin yes itst a joke

bought Ṁ10 of NO

@MichaelWheatley You're a good trader and its play money. Anything could happen. It would be a god tier troll.

sold Ṁ0 of NO

@MichaelWheatley wow hot damn you did it

@firstuserhere now just hold XD

sold Ṁ0 of NO

@firstuserhere if they do hold they are guaranteed the profit but in the meantime everyone else can profit from fluctuations

predicted NO

@Dreamingpast if they hold then everyone else's positions are irrelevant and the market can be brought down to any arbitrary number and profited from

bought Ṁ2,000 of YES

@Dreamingpast Speaking of fluctuations, how on earth did it get all the way down to 98%?

Consider tagging this as “Whale Watching”.

@JohnSmithb9be adept sightings?? Jk