This market resolves based on the average price of /memestiny/dan-stock-permanent during the month of June, Pacific Time. Hopefully the answer will be obvious from the graph; if it's not, I or someone else will use the API to get an exact answer.
A more robust-to-manipulation version of /IsaacKing/will-the-dan-stock-market-be-at-75
Come on bruh
@IsaacKing Ian Matthews tried explaining the maths behind it all to me in the Dan Stock comments. It was all a bit over my head but if you can make sense of it, I'm sure there's a lot of useful info there
@SneakyElbow I'll resolve it as per the underlying market percentage, which as far as I'm aware hasn't changed. It's just a visual reskin.
@IsaacKing ok. I don't really understand what any of the changes mean. I've got most of my mana invested in these 2 markets at the moment as I was trying to hedge my bets but now I don't really know what I'm doing.
@SneakyElbow Yeah, it was a pretty bad decision IMO for Manifold to forcibly change so popular markets into this new half-baked system that's not explained anywhere.
@IsaacKing I agree. It's no fun betting on markets that are subject to change without warning or explanation.
@IsaacKing Can you explain how you will calculate the underlying market percentage? Because it seems like the stock has just changed again. Its at 1099mana a share now, but I can't tell what that number is a percentage of anymore.
@SneakyElbow I'll ask Manifold for the underlying math and convert it back into a percentage market for the purposes of resolving this one.
@IsaacKing I asked in the comments of the Dan Stock and got sent this. max(log(0.75/0.25),0.75)*500 = 549