Will I complete my first video game by the end of the year?
resolved Jan 16
I taught myself to program in order to build websites that I wanted to exist, and eventually I'd like to get into making video games as well. (For fun, not as a career.) I have many ideas for games I'd like to create, including some that are simple enough that I expect I could complete them within a few months if I dedicated a significant amount of my time to that, but I currently have other projects that take priority and don't foresee those going away any time soon. Also, the only language I know right now is Javascript, so there'd be a bit of a learning curve before I could properly start on any game.
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Too late for 2022. Isaac could probably build a Flappy Bird clone within an hour with Scratch…

predicted NO

@MaxPayne Oh, hmm, I actually did build a small video game with Scratch back in middle school. I certainly didn't have that in mind when I created this market.

I assume there are no objections to me resolving this to NO?

predicted NO

Nobody's expressed any objections, and I think I was pretty clear in the description that I was talking about future video games, so I'll go ahead and resolve to NO, even though I think per the title it technically should resolve to YES.

bought Ṁ5 of YES
Depends how you define a video game. It's definitely possible to make a very simple video game that's fun to play but still low-effort to code. As M said, it's also a learning experience.
bought Ṁ10 of NO
software projects take longer than expected - I recommend splitting project in parts and doing smallest interesting one for start (such projects very often end abandoned, and the first game will be more learning experience than anything else) BTW, JavaScript may be also used to make games