Will the US Gini index measured by the OECD go above 0.43 before the end of 2028, potentially due to AI developments ?

The Gini index is one of the most basic inequalities agregation measure. The resolution will be based on OECD data, https://data.oecd.org/inequality/income-inequality.htm
The US in the recent years have been hovering between 0.39 and 0.40 with a small decrease in 2020/2021 and got back to 0.395 in 2022.

World bank data and OECD data do not agree on the value in the recent years, the world bank (https://data.worldbank.org/indicator/SI.POV.GINI?locations=US) puts the all time high at 0.415 in 2014 while OECD puts it at 0.396 in 2013, which may be coming from different methodologies. Arbitrary, the OECD data has been chosen for resolution.

In any case, an index of 0.43 is unseen in the modern history of the US (at least since 1960)

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