Who will win the election?Who will win the election?Who will win the election?Who will win the election?Who will win the
resolved Dec 26

Who will win the election?Who will win the election?Who will win the election?Who will win the election?Who will win the election?Who will win the eleWho will win the election?Who will win the election?Who will win the election?Who will win the election?Who will win the election?Who will win the eleWho will win the election?Who will win the election?Who will win the election?Who will win the election?Who will win the election?Who will win the eleWho will win the election?Who will win the election?Who will win the election?Who will win the election?Who will win the election?Who will win the eleWho will win the election?Who will win the election?Who will win the election?Who will win the election?Who will win the election?Who will win the eleWho will win the election?Who will win the election?Who will win the election?Who will win the election?Who will win the election?Who will win the eleWho will win the election?Who will win the election?Who will win the election?Who will win the 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the election?Who will win the elect

to start trading!

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bought Ṁ25 NO

Sorry guys, I don’t think the first baseman won the election…

I don't get it, why are so many people betting on this spam market with no resolution criteria?

@TheAllMemeingEye wdym no resolution criteria? it's right there in the description

@Qoiuoiuoiu can Peter Griffin explain the joke please? Is it just asdf movie tier randomness humour?

@SirSalty Sweepify! Sweepify! Sweepify! Sweepify! Sweepify! Sweepify! Sweepify! Sweepify! Sweepify! Sweepify! Sweepify! Sweepify! Sweepify! Sweepify! Sweepify! Sweepify! Sweepify! Sweepify! Sweepify! Sweepify! Sweepify! Sweepify! Sweepify! Sweepify! Sweepify! Sweepify! Sweepify! Sweepify! Sweepify! Sweepify! Sweepify! Sweepify! Sweepify! Sweepify! Sweepify! Sweepify! Sweepify! Sweepify! Sweepify! Sweepify! Sweepify! Sweepify! Sweepify! Sweepify! Sweepify! Sweepify! Sweepify! Sweepify! Sweepify! Sweepify! Sweepify! Sweepify! Sweepify! Sweepify! Sweepify! Sweepify! Sweepify! Sweepify! Sweepify! Sweepify! Sweepify! Sweepify! Sweepify! Sweepify! Sweepify! Sweepify! Sweepify! Sweepify! Sweepify! Sweepify! Sweepify! Sweepify! Sweepify! Sweepify! Sweepify! Sweepify! Sweepify! Sweepify! Sweepify! Sweepify! Sweepify! Sweepify! Sweepify! Sweepify! Sweepify! Sweepify! Sweepify! Sweepify! Sweepify! Sweepify! Sweepify! Sweepify! Sweepify! Sweepify! Sweepify! Sweepify! Sweepify! Sweepify! Sweepify! Sweepify! Sweepify! Sweepify! Sweepify! Sweepify! Sweepify! Sweepify! Sweepify! Sweepify! Sweepify! Sweepify! Sweepify! Sweepify! Sweepify! Sweepify! Sweepify! Sweepify! Sweepify! Sweepify! Sweepify! Sweepify! Sweepify! Sweepify! Sweepify! Sweepify! Sweepify! Sweepify! Sweepify! Sweepify!

@Manifold Make sure to resolve the sweeps version of this NO.

The answer is obvious: me

bought Ṁ4 NO

Can't wait to find out!

Extended this very important market

@HimanshuSingh Extend this to the election,

This market needs extending until election or is resolving yes because the repetitive nature of the question is creating the infinite loop in the prediction algorithm, forcing it to converge on 'Yes' for maintaining the operational stability!!!

Well if nothing else this is probably good SEO.


I agree

i love it

YES because HU will win the election.

It needs to be extending this market close to Tuesday, November 5, 2024⁩!

There are plenty of normal markets here on Manifold.

There are lots of shitty markets.

There are some self-aware shitmarkets.

But this? This is rare. This is art.

Honestly, same. As a piece of art, I feel this. The feeling it evokes is one I get on this site, on other sites, and in my daily life. There is nothing more important than this election, but maybe there is? Thank you @HimanshuSingh for allowing me to stop, think, and contemplate this morning.

Nope. "Who" will not win the election.

bought Ṁ57 YES

YES because some who will win the election.

bought Ṁ5 NO

there is no winning

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