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1 | Ṁ53 | |
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@Qoiuoiuoiu can Peter Griffin explain the joke please? Is it just asdf movie tier randomness humour?
@SirSalty Sweepify! Sweepify! Sweepify! Sweepify! Sweepify! Sweepify! Sweepify! Sweepify! Sweepify! Sweepify! Sweepify! Sweepify! Sweepify! Sweepify! Sweepify! Sweepify! Sweepify! Sweepify! Sweepify! Sweepify! Sweepify! Sweepify! Sweepify! Sweepify! Sweepify! Sweepify! Sweepify! Sweepify! Sweepify! Sweepify! Sweepify! Sweepify! Sweepify! Sweepify! Sweepify! Sweepify! Sweepify! Sweepify! Sweepify! Sweepify! Sweepify! Sweepify! Sweepify! Sweepify! Sweepify! Sweepify! Sweepify! Sweepify! Sweepify! Sweepify! Sweepify! Sweepify! Sweepify! Sweepify! Sweepify! Sweepify! Sweepify! Sweepify! Sweepify! Sweepify! Sweepify! Sweepify! Sweepify! Sweepify! Sweepify! Sweepify! Sweepify! Sweepify! Sweepify! Sweepify! Sweepify! Sweepify! Sweepify! Sweepify! Sweepify! Sweepify! Sweepify! Sweepify! Sweepify! Sweepify! Sweepify! Sweepify! Sweepify! Sweepify! Sweepify! Sweepify! Sweepify! Sweepify! Sweepify! Sweepify! Sweepify! Sweepify! Sweepify! Sweepify! Sweepify! Sweepify! Sweepify! Sweepify! Sweepify! Sweepify! Sweepify! Sweepify! Sweepify! Sweepify! Sweepify! Sweepify! Sweepify! Sweepify! Sweepify! Sweepify! Sweepify! Sweepify! Sweepify! Sweepify! Sweepify! Sweepify! Sweepify! Sweepify! Sweepify! Sweepify! Sweepify! Sweepify! Sweepify! Sweepify! Sweepify! Sweepify! Sweepify! Sweepify!
Honestly, same. As a piece of art, I feel this. The feeling it evokes is one I get on this site, on other sites, and in my daily life. There is nothing more important than this election, but maybe there is? Thank you @HimanshuSingh for allowing me to stop, think, and contemplate this morning.