[Polymarket] Iran Nuke by July 31?
Jul 31

This market is a direct copy of a market from Polymarket (https://polymarket.com/event/iran-nuke-by-july-31/iran-nuke-by-july-31?tid=1713287316208). The resolution of this market will mirror the resolution of the original market.

The description of the original market:

"This market will resolve to "Yes" if credible reports from international nuclear agencies, Iran's government itself, or credible global news sources officially confirm that Iran possesses a nuclear weapon by July 31, 2024, 11:59 PM ET."

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@Guuber resolves NO?

@mods inactive creator, pinged a week ago.

Sorry about that! The market wasn't suppose to close until July 31...

ah makes sense! just saw it in my closed queue. thanks for reopening

@Ziddletwix message the mods again after July 31 if it is not resolved